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Xanthorrhoea australis
[ Xanthorrhoeaceae ]
[ Australia ]
Native to heaths and open forests on poor, sandy soils in southeastern Australia and Tasmania, this species can form a thick trunk that can reach several meters tall and is often branching. It is usually seen charred from bush fires, hence commonly referred to in Australia as blackboy. The extremely tough and closely packed leaf bases protect the actual, much thinner trunk in its center from the heat of fires. The perfectly spherical crown is formed by hundreds of wiry, arching, bluish green leaves, about 1 m (3 ft.) long and only 1 to 4 mm across. The large, upright and unbranched inflorescence is formed eratically, usually after a fire, and can reach up to 5 m (16ft.) tall. Due to its southerly habitat, it is one of the most cold tolerant grass trees and does best in temperate regions.
Xanthorrhoea australis
Semenze (10) : Fuori stock

Pianta coltivabile in vaso.Pianta da fiori.Pianta dall’aspetto simile ad un palma.
zone 10a = minimo in inverno da -1C a 2C ( 30F a 35F )
Dune sabbiose

Più info...
Resistente all'aridità

Pianta d’interno  
substrato (in proporzioni)
Temperatura invernale
Annaffiature durante il periodo freddo
Annaffiature durante il periodo caldo
Concime durante il periodo di crescita

1 terra + 2 Humus

in ambienti interni in inverno temperatura da 3 a 10C min

Molto luminosa o Assolato

rari (quando il vaso è secco)

Regolarmente ma senza eccesso, soprattutto quando fa calore

Regolarmente ma intervallato
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